Одним из самых красивых и приятных районов города является квартал Ротерманни. Это квартал со своей атмосферой и историей. Здесь можно найти множество интересных магазинов с одеждой, мебелью, вином….. и сыром. В магазине Juustukuningad в Атриуме Ротермана – Ротерманни 5/Розени 10 – продаются очень вкусные голландские сыры. Это место обязательно нужно посетить.

For many years, most of the buildings in the Rothermann neighborhood were empty. They were inhabited mainly by homeless people. In the mid-1990s, an idea arose to create a cultural quarter on the territory, following the example of London’s Soho. Rothermann’s quarter was proposed to be built up with galleries and workshops for artists, and in the late 1990s the first works were to begin. One of Rothermann’s factories was turned into a hotel of the same name, and the salt warehouse was reconstructed as the Estonian Museum of Architecture. And that was the end of the idea of creating a Soho in Tallinn. But in 2005, work began again on the territory of Rotermann. Only instead of romantic Soho, an administrative and residential quarter is being built here. The developer is the company Rotermann Eesti. The chairman of the company’s board of directors is Urmas Sõõrumaa.

The famous red bulldog. I don’t know who invented it, but in Instagram every 3rd picture from the quarter is with him).